DATABASE COVERAGE: 2006-07 2024-25 (19 years)

Year Amount (Rs. cr) No. of
2006-07 4,963 25
2007-08 25,770 38
2008-09 189 2
2009-10 41,968 67
2010-11 24,550 47
2011-12 1,713 11
2012-13 10,818 14
2013-14 9,402 6
2014-15 28,429 44
2015-16 19,358 20
2016-17 13,671 22
2017-18 62,520 52
2018-19 10,489 13
2019-20 51,216 13
2020-21 81,738 31
2021-22 28,532 29
2022-23 9,019 11
2023-24 71,306 64
2024-25 (as on 31/01/25) 1,23,164 77
Total 6,18,815 586


Advanced Database Search
Advanced level search can be done of the Qualified Institutional Placements database on any one or a combination of the following 11 parameters:

  1. Period 
  2. Issuer
  3. Issue Type (QIPs / PSU Disinvestments thru Auctions)
  4. Instrument (Equity/FCD/NCD/ PCD/Pref./SPN) 
  5. Issue Amount
  6. Industry
  7. Product
  8. Issuer Type (Private/Joint/PSU/Assisted)
  9. Stock Exchange Listing 
  10. Post Issue Capital
  11. Lead Managers

You have the option of selecting Order of Result (Chronological Alphabetical/Issue Amount).

Industry-Wise Summary
Industry-wise summary can be generated of the Qualified Institutional Placements database on any one or a combination of the following 2 parameters:

  1. Period
  2. Instrument (Equity/Convertibles/Debt)

Price Movements
Provides market price movements graphs of all QIPs starting two months prior to the Board resolution date till one month after the closing date.

Issue Response
Provides information on key response data of the QIP Issues database.


League Tables can be generated to suit your own requirement by choosing desired parameters. League Tables are available for the following intermediaries:

  • Investment Bankers
  • Registrars
  • Solicitors
  • Printers

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